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Why Cannabis Vaporization?Vaporizers 101 by Prof. Brian Murphy, ThC |
By crossing the genetics of different indicas, different sativas or a combination thereof creates hybrids. The resulting hybrid strains will grow, mature and and produce a variety of medically active properties, depending on their various indica/sativa percentages that they contain. Cannabis Ruderalis is a subspecies of Cannabis Sativa. The term was originally used in the former Soviet Union to describe the varieties of hemp that had escaped cultivation and adapted to the surrounding region. Similar Ruderalis populations can be found in most of the areas where hemp cultivation was once prevalent. The most notable region in North America is the midwest, though populations occur sporadically throughout the United States and Canada. Without the human hand aiding in selection, these plants have lost many of the traits they were originally selected for, and have acclimatized to their locale. Though they contain little THC, these plants hold large potential for use in breeding, both in hemp and marijuana applications. Early flowering and resistance to locally significant insect and disease pressures are but a few of the important traits present in these feral populations. |
Hawaii is ideal for cannabis cultivation. Patients Without Time supports the creation of a legitimate medical cannabis production industry in Hawaii, which supports Hawaii's family farmers, and increases Hawaii's self-sustainability, while growing our economy. Hawaii can provide safe easy access to ethical and compassionate standardized guaranteed Hawaiian pharmaceutical grade cannabis medicines. If you are interested in helping reform the current chaotic medical marijuana laws in Hawaii, please visit mccfdia.com, and join in some of the many activities that can effect positive change.